Black dolls are very collectible as they are less common than white dolls, however there many doll manufacturers such as Mattel and Chad Valley have produced them. Just like white dolls, black dolls have been manufactured in different materials including plastic, bisque and cloth.
Below are some examples and price guides of black / brown dolls including a Barbie signature doll and a Vogue Ginnie doll.

MATTEL M75 BARBIE SIGNATURE DOLLS U.S. CONVENTION 2020 Genuine Silkstone Body, Beautiful AA Barbie is in a striped bathing suit, black shoes, sunglasses & stand. NRFB – MINT Box is great.
Sold for US$250 at Apple Tree Auction Center in 2022

Black Composition 1920’s Child Doll 32 1/2″ High. A beautiful doll with some problems. The doll is straw filled with cloth body and composition head and hands. Condition – The head is solid and will only require paint touchup. Right hand is solid, left hand is missing the pinkie finger and a large piece from the underside of wrist toward the elbow. The clothing is in poor condition. Right leg is detached
Sold for US$150 at Kennedys Auction Service LLC in 2022

Vogue 1954 black Ginny in Red Outfit First Corsage, sleep eye, painted lash walker, walker works well, marked Vogue Dolls patent pending on back, in Vogue box
Sold for US$750 at Stephenson’s Auction in 2022