Celebrity / Portrait Dolls

Celebrity Portrait Dolls

Celebrity or Portrait dolls are dolls which have been modeled on actual living people. Celebrity dolls tend to be more modern and based on famous people especially film stars. Portrait dolls are much older and can be models of both unknown individuals or famous people such as royalty.

Some of the earliest portrait dolls were made of wax and could be extremely life-like. Some doll makers which are reknown for wax portrait dolls are the Pierotti Family who made a number of known portraits and advertised that they could make an individual portrait for about the same cost as a painting.

Modern makers have also made wax dolls of historical figures. The Victoria and Albert museum is home to a particularly attractive doll in the form of Elizabeth I, made in 1977 by Sheila Wallace.

Mattel have created many portrait or celebrity dolls including the recent addition of


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