Armand Marseille dolls were manufactured between the 1890's and the 1930's Armand Marseille was born in St Petersburg in 1856 but emigrated later with his family to Thuringia in Germany…
Alt, Beck & Gottschalck. Alt, Beck & Gottschalck were founded in Germany. They were in business between 1854 and 1941. They made bisque and china head dolls on bodies of…
Chad Valley Dolls, Chad Valley Ltd. Chad Valley began manufacturing dolls as part of England's National Scheme for employment of disabled men in 1917 although they had previously operated as…
Lenci Dolls. Lenci was founded by Elena Konig Scavini in Italy in 1918 and is still in business today. Elena was left alone while her husband, Enrico, went off to…
DOLLS HOUSE DOLLS Miniature homes, furnished with domestic articles and resident inhabitants, both people and animals, have been made for thousands of years. The earliest known examples were found in…
Montanari Madame Augusta Madame Montanari was an English doll maker between 1851 and 1884. She created beautiful, poured wax dolls and claimed to have crafted the famous Royal Model Dolls,…
Price guide to wax dolls of the 18th century. 18th century wax dolls are extremely rare as with the English mid 18th doll shown below. Dresses were often beautifully hand…
ETHNIC DOLLS INFORMATION Dolls have been played with by children from all over the world for centuries. This page shows some of the dolls found from all cultures around the…
FASHION DOLLS INFORMATION Before newspapers and mechanical means of printing, the French used their large dolls to advertise the latest fashions. The doll was used to popularize French fashion abroad.…