The Vogue Doll Co was founded by Jennie H. Graves in 1922 and was in production until around 1975. The company started as a small concern but became one of the largest doll manufacturers in the world. The company is best known for their Ginny dolls. The value of Vogue dolls depends on rarity, age and condition.
Below are some examples and price guides of Vogue Doll Co dolls including a black Ginny doll and a Native American composition doll.

Vogue Doll Co Maker’s Mark. Dolls were usually marked on the back of the neck with just the name Doll Co although the full name of the company would be given on the box and / or on a label.

Vogue Black Ginny Straight Leg Walker 7 1/2″ doll with dark brown mohair wig, brown sleep eyes, on five-piece walker body marked “Ginny/Vogue Dolls/Inc./Pat.Pend./Made in U.S.A.” Ginny wears an untagged organdy over pink taffeta dress with matching underpants, pink socks and center snap shoes. Wig is slightly mussed, facial color is excellent.
Sold for US$650 at Apple Tree Auction Center in 2023

8 in Composition Vogue Doll circa 1940s.
All original Jack with pail doll in original condition with box. Missing a button on his shirt with some surface dirt and stressed box in upper left hand corner. Other than that very good condition.
Sold for US$100 at Dotta Auction Co., Inc in 2023

VOGUE GINNY 1953 DEBUTANTE SERIES “PAMELA”. 8”. Hard plastic, straight legs, blue sleep eyes, painted lashes, brown wig, tagged dress with green velvet bodice and pink organdy skirt and panty, attached petticoat, straw hat with flowers, green leatherette shoes, green vinyl purse with flowers, wrist tag, pink Vogue Ginny box.
Sold for US$200 at Frasher’s Doll Auction in 2023

Vogue Doll Native American Composition Boy Doll in Original outfit
Sold for US$90 at Raia Auctioneers, Inc. in 2023